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New course has started, Lake Pieni-Valkeinen and it's surroundings are waiting for student researchers. Next Tuesday we are starting to learn different kind of methods suitable for assessing condition of the lake. For example, students are doing exercises involving taking water samples, measuring the open channel flow and water quality parameters of groundwater.

Last week I noticed that there has happened some changes during the last winter which should be taken into account when planning measurement locations. One part of open channels (ditches) was replaced using underground pipe. There might be also other changes and that's way need to do field survey and see everything with our own eyes!    

Puijo nature reserve has not changed, thats for sure. It still provides breathtaking views and kilometers of enjoyable trails to walk. Finnish everyman's rights gives you opportunity to pick some wild berries and mushrooms. So remember to keep your eyes open and look around while working... there might be some natural treasures to catch. By the way, If you want the have lunch outdoors, the Puijon Nokan Laavu is the place which I strongly recommend.

Puijon Nokan Laavu


See you next week!

