Getting Started

Group 1

The Mighty group one includes following honorable members:

Teemu Jäntti
4th year student of environment engineering of Savonia UAS
Otto Partanen
3rd year student of environment engineering of Savonia UAS
Henrik Linnove
3rd year student of environment engineering of Savonia UAS
Li XingRong
Double-degree student from Shanghai Second Polytechnic University
Qi Zhengjie
Double-degree student from Shanghai Second Polytechnic University
Liu Hai
Double-degree student from Shanghai Second Polytechnic University
Fu Hailun
Double-degree student from Shanghai Second Polytechnic University
Katarzyna Beker
Erasmus+ student from Wroclaw Technic University

Work Plan
In this project we are working at the lake Pieni-Valkeinen. The project consist of making different measurements and taking samples from the lake. The measurements will be taken during three visits to the site.

Week 1
Task 1
Review of the catchment area
·         Pre-work studies of area. Orientation to the lake environment and observations. Definition of incoming and outgoing streams. Ways of use and environmental load caused by human activities.
Task 5
Discharge measurement using Thompson weir
·         Pre-work studies of devices and working methods. Definition of discharge of Lake Pieni-Valkeinen.

Week 2
Task 2
Taking water samples
·         Pre-work studies of sampling methods. Samples from three locations. GPS coordinates from sampling locations. Sensory observations.
Task 4
Discharge measurements using current meter
·         Pre-work studies of devices and working methods. Measures taken from multiple location and definition of area.

Week 3
Task 3
Field measurements
·         Pre-work studies of devices and working methods. Temperature, alkalinity, conductivity, oxygen-level, odor, sensory observations. Samples from three locations.
Task 6
Measuring water level with levelling instrument
·         Pre-work studies of devices and working methods. Definition of water level of both lakes using manual level-device. Making discharge curve from two locations.


  1. Thank you for your introduction! It is nice to have also international group in our course. Hopefully you are getting to know something about the secrets of Finnish nature...


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