Group 1 : Field mesurements and water sampling

Group 1: Field measurements (Task 4) and Taking water samples (Task 2)

Field Measurements 

On Tuesday September 26th, group 1 went back to the field for field measurements and water sampling. The weather was pleasant, the air temperature was around 13° and it was partly cloudy.  

The field measurements and water samples were taken in 3 locations, coordinates given in WGS 84-coordinate system:  

  • After the incoming stream to Pieni-Valkeinen: 62°55'45.8"N 27°39'32.1"E  
  • Before the outgoing stream from Pieni-Valkeinen: 62°55'44.3"N 27°39'44.6"E 
  • After the incoming stream to Iso-Valkeinen: 62°55'43.9"N 27°39'56.0"E

Figure 1 Measurement points for field measurements and water samples
 Field measurements were taken using HACH Multi Meter. In figure 2 is presented a measuring situation.
Une image contenant personne, habits, plein air, plante

Description générée automatiquement
Figure 2 Taking field measurements 

 Measured results from field measurements are presented in table 1

Table 1 Field measurement results

 With these results we can have different assumptions:  

-pH: It is quite the same between the different places. But we can think that the difference of pH is cause by the difference presence of vegetations. Or conversely, there is less vegetations in the output because of the pH lower.  

-Conductivity: It is the most interesting result. Our teacher told us that the previous years, the results were 2 times higher than ours. And that there was a difference between the places. So, we can say the quality of the water improved because lower the conductivity is, the higher the water quality is.  

-Oxygen: In the little lake, the values are quite the same. The difference with the bigger one can be explain by the fact the it is bigger so windier and it can oxygenate the water. It can also be explain by the fact that the flow was stronger during this measurement than in the little lake. A small cascade also can be a way to have more oxygenated water.  

 Water Samples

The second task of the day was taking water samples. The samples were taken at the same locations as the water quality measurements. Measurement points are presented in figure 1.

In water sample taking, storage bottle was rinsed using lake water before taking the sample. All samples could be taken, labeled and stored. There were no visible abnormalities of the samples. However, we could perceive a strong smell at location 3 (Iso-Valkeinen in front of the input stream). Further details will emerge during analysis in the laboratory.
Une image contenant plein air, habits, plante, personne

Description générée automatiquement
Figure 3 Taking the water sample
Une image contenant plein air, plante, herbe, sol

Description générée automatiquement
Figure 4 Possible pollutants in lake


