Grupp 5: Taking water samples and field measurements

On the 8th of October, we finished the task 2 and 3 at Pieni-Valkeinen and Iso-Valkeinen.

Taking water samples

The task was to take water samples into plastic bottles. We took samples from three different locations: Incoming streams of Pieni- and Iso-Valkeinen, and outgoing stream of Pieni-Valkeinen. We cooperated with group number 5. We didn’t fill the bottles to the brim, because samples are going to be frozen before we analyze them.

First we took the sample from the incoming stream of Pieni-Valkeinen. We had small problems with getting to the sampling location. One of the student’s rubber boots got stuck in the swamp! Luckily Tatu came to the rescue with dry socks. The terrain was very swampy, moist and rough.

Bottling action from close and far. 
Then we took samples from the outgoing stream of Pieni-Valkeinen and lastly from incoming stream of Iso-Valkeinen. Sampling from these two locations went smoothly and without problems. 

Taking samples from Iso-Valkeinen

Field Measurements

We have measured the pH-value, oxygen, conductivity and the temperature at 3 different points of the lake (outgoing stream/ Incoming stream Pieni- Valkeinen and Iso-Valkeinen). We also checked the smell of the water at all measure points.

Incoming stream of Pieni-Valkeinen

pH-value: 7,21

oxygen: 8,64 mg/l

conductivity: 213,85 µs/cm

temperature: 4,13°C

The smell was muddy. 

Outgoing stream of Pieni-Valkeinen

pH-value: 7,01

oxygen: 6,14 mg/l

conductivity: 94,7 µs/cm

temperature: 5°C

There was no smell of the water. 

Incoming stream of Iso-Valkeinen

pH-value: 7,62

oxygen: 9,75 mg/l

conductivity: 138,0 μs/cm

Temperature: 7 °C

Water was clear and there was no unpleasant smell.

The tools we used to measure the water

Piällysmiäs (forewoman)
