Group 5: Groundwater sampling and measuring water level with leveling instrument

Taking groundwater samples using monitoring well

In the scope of the water area, we saw a vertical pipe, according to the introduction in the moodle, we knew that the big pipe is a monitoring well. It can effect to the quality of the groundwater because water can be absorbed through the ground quicker and that will reduce the purification result by filtering. Under the guidance of others, we pumped the water sample with a pump. 

Picture 1 - Structure of the typical groundwater monitoring well

After measuring the monitoring well, we got some data from it. 

Pipe length
8 m
Diameter of inner pipe
52 mm
Pumping rate
6,5 s/L (±0,2 s)
Water level (from the top before measuring)
2,72 m
Water level (after pumping)
5,67 m
Volume of water (before pumping)
11,21 l
Volume of water (after pumping)
4,95 l

Figure 1 – Results from groundwater sampling (Volume was calculated using following function: V=πr2*h)

6 °C
3,68 mg/L
235 µs/cm

 Figure 2 - Results from field measurements

After measuring the groundwater height, we took a groundwater sample by Bailer. Bailer is disposable water collector which is very simple and easy to use.  The sample was collected into plastic bottle and we marked time, group name and place in the bottle.

The groundwater pipe was in a manmade glade. Around it was quite thick forest.

The water from the well was cloudy, but didn't have much visible particles in it. on the bottom left you can see the pump we used. Top right picture shows the measuring of the water level in the pipe.

Measuring water level with leveling instrument

Task was to measure the level of Iso-Valkeinen and Pieni-Valkeinen. We had one known point which was manhole cover and its height was 98,965 m. First we put our leveling instrument between the known point and Pieni-Valkeinen, so that we could easily see our measuring stick. The measuring stick was firstly put on to the known point. Then we looked through the leveling instrument to see the level of the instrument itself. Then the measuring stick was moved to the shore of Pieni-Valkeinen and measured the level of the water relative to the instrument.
After we were done with Pieni-Valkeinen and had already started working towards Iso-Valkeinen we noticed that we had looked the scale wrong because the instrument is missing one lens, so it shows the view upside down. So we had to start over.
For Iso-Valkeinen we used the same technique as for Pieni-Valkeinen, but we had to move the leveling instrument three times to get to the shore. We chose the places so we could see measuring stick clearly.

Artists interpretation of leveling and the measurements.

The level of water was then calculated using the measurements:
Pieni-Valkeinen: 98,965 m + 1,374 m - 3,17 m = 97,169 m
Iso-Valkeinen: 98,965 m + 0,365 m - 2,915 m + 0,254 m - 3,815 m +0,211m - 3,655 m = 89,41 m

Then some sumptuous pictures.

In The pictures you can see us hard at work, and also the equipment we used.
